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/ Fritz: All Fritz / All Fritz.zip / All Fritz / FILES / MEDIALTH / PAINRELF.LZH / GENERAL.2 < prev    next >
Text File  |  1991-09-16  |  2KB  |  135 lines

  1. text/123/0
  2. STEP 3
  3. ~
  5. text/0/10
  6. Press the points below and on the
  7. inside corner of the  fingernails
  8. of the middle  fingers  with your
  9. thumbs for two seconds.
  10. ~
  12. L31/85/103/54
  13. L103/54/111/53
  14. L111/53/116/54
  15. L116/54/118/56
  16. L118/56/115/59
  17. L115/59/92/72
  18. L92/72/48/93
  19. L49/93/45/96
  20. L45/96/47/96
  21. L47/96/95/75
  22. L95/75/129/60
  23. L129/60/149/51
  24. L149/51/156/49
  25. L156/49/164/50
  26. L164/50/166/52
  27. L166/52/165/56
  28. L165/56/155/62
  29. L155/62/135/72
  30. L135/73/115/85
  31. L115/85/70/106
  32. L70/106/69/107
  33. L69/107/73/109
  34. L73/109/79/108
  35. L79/107/153/74
  36. L153/74/184/60
  37. L184/60/201/53
  38. L201/53/208/54
  39. L208/54/214/55
  40. L214/55/216/58
  41. L216/58/215/61
  42. L215/61/209/64
  43. L209/64/196/69
  44. L196/69/173/82
  45. L173/82/143/98
  46. L143/98/119/112
  47. L119/112/111/117
  48. L111/117/111/119
  49. L111/119/117/118
  50. L117/118/130/112
  51. L130/112/187/84
  52. L187/84/204/74
  53. L204/74/208/74
  54. L208/74/212/74
  55. L212/74/218/77
  56. L218/77/217/81
  57. L217/81/214/84
  58. L214/84/206/88
  59. L206/88/189/99
  60. L189/99/156/120
  61. L156/120/139/132
  62. L139/132/108/152
  63. L105/54/96/59
  64. L96/59/104/62
  65. L104/62/115/58
  66. L153/50/139/57
  67. L139/57/151/61
  68. L151/61/162/56
  69. L200/54/186/61
  70. L186/61/198/65
  71. L198/65/213/60
  72. L203/76/194/82
  73. L194/82/204/85
  74. L204/85/214/81
  75. style3
  76. C195/67/3
  78.  style1
  79.  L155/166/155/171
  80.  L151/169/154/171
  81.  L161/169/157/171
  82.  L156/172/156/172
  83.  L184/167/184/172
  84.  L155/165/155/166
  85.  L183/167/179/169
  86.  L185/167/188/169
  87.  L189/169/189/169
  88.  L184/173/184/174
  90.  KV/82/155/285/183/1/170
  91. L277/67/217/67
  92. L217/67/233/61
  93. L218/67/231/73
  94. text/431/109
  95.   STEP 4
  96. ~
  98. text/324/119
  99. Press  three   fingers  into  the
  100. middle hollow  of the skull  base
  101. and rub clockwise for three mins.
  102. ~
  104. L479/12/502/12
  105. L502/12/512/14
  106. L512/14/523/17
  107. L523/17/530/24
  108. L530/24/535/31
  109. L535/31/534/42
  110. L534/42/527/53
  111. L527/53/515/62
  112. L515/62/507/67
  113. L507/67/508/77
  114. L507/77/515/90
  115. L515/90/532/96
  116. L476/12/452/14
  117. L452/14/436/20
  118. L436/20/427/26
  119. L427/26/424/34
  120. L424/34/422/40
  121. L423/40/425/49
  122. L425/49/430/56
  123. L430/56/440/61
  124. L439/61/445/67
  125. L446/67/444/74
  126. L444/74/438/85
  127. L438/85/428/92
  128. L427/92/416/96
  129. style3
  130. C476/62/3
  131. S1000/80
  132. S2000/80
  133. S4000/80